
There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky.
There is one spectacle grander than the sky.
NAME. es'mena nenda
ALSO KNOWN AS. captain nenda
BIRTH DATE + AGE. 1st sun of the 1st astral moon | 30yo
JOB. red mage
GENDER. cis woman
PRONOUNS. she/her
SPECIES. miqo'te
OCCUPATION. airship captain
CURRENT LOCATION. the runner (airship)
FAMILY. faeravel kha (spouse), jaran kha (spouse), temujin kha (son)
She is the Captain of an airship with an ever-present cunning smile on her face. She holds herself with easy confidence and speaks with a casual, friendly cadence. There is no shyness found about her and she will be the first to strike up a conversation, especially if you have gil to spend.
"Come to my ship!" she implores you. "Come travel aboard The Runner, sugar! She's a luxury vessel and you're sure to have a good time! Top-notch service, good drink, good food...what's not to love?"
But there is always more than meets the eye.
How did the woman go from dancer to Captain in only one year's time? A horrific accident had claimed the lives of crew members and passengers alike, and the previous Captain had not escaped either. These things happen, but why did he choose this woman of all people to sign the ship's rights to? Port authorities questioned this - and some still do so to this day - but there were no faults in the paperwork. She was Captain, and legally so.
And after all, she seemed just as surprised as anybody else. Shook to her very core.
Who was she before she made her presence known on The Runner's stage? Whispers of her name can be found on the lips of some less savory types - not from the sky, but from the sea. These people, skulking in the shadows and reveling in their world of crime, speak of pirates, of demons. They say she is not to be trusted. They say she has a heart as cold as the frozen plains of northern Isabard. They say she has done things even they deem unforgivable. They say she has more blood on her hands than even the most monstrous can stomach.
The woman painted in these whispers seems far from the smiling Captain that clinks her glass against yours and laughs at your jokes. Perhaps they are mistaken. Perhaps there is another of her name.
So many questions surround the woman, and yet you will be hard-pressed to find an answer to any of them.
TRAITS forthright, fun-loving, confident, lustful, rational, uncharitable, resentful, mischevious
MBTI estp
ALIGNMENT chaotic neutral
LIKES gil, whiskey, fishing, savory food, books
DISLIKES sharing, dependency, sweet food, weak wills, disrespect
FEARS failure, betrayal, death

feel free to let me know if you'd like to contribute!
"She has th' bes legs around all of Ul'dah. I love watchin' her leave. A pretty, spicy thing...but greedy when it comes t'business. She's lucky she's pretty. Tch.." - VASIR'LI SOLHU ♦
"Es'mena is the best Captain, air or sky or sea. She's a handy one with her words and her weapons, and you'd best remember it, else you'll have a few others to help beat in the lesson." - E'LEYNA SUMMERSTORM
"She's a downright bitch of a woman" - GAE'BRIEL NELDAWN ♦
"I think that she's running from something. Anyone who takes to the skies as often as she does has a fear of something on the ground." - JINRO OJA ♦
"Two husbands, and both of them unconditionally devoted to her. There is something there and oh, I want to know just what it is." - REDAS

easily overheard.
"Twelve, that woman? She'll talk your ear off to avoid answerin' a question. Don't even try. Save yourself the time, dearie." - SHOPKEEPER, UL'DAH
"Pretty smile, that one. But something doesn't feel too right about her. I don't know about these sorts of things, but I don't trust her." - WAITRESS, KUGANE
"Es'mena? S'that her name? She's always smiling! The kids love her whenever she comes around. I don't know how she always has little treats for them, but she does. Where does she get them? Where does she keep them?" - SCHOOL TEACHER, GRIDANIA
"Auch, her ship was to die for. The food was good, but the view? Spectacular. Worth the gil." - SATISFIED CUSTOMER, ISHGARD
a little more difficult to hear.
"DON'T let her suggest a price. She'll undercut you to death, and you won't know no better, neither." - ANONYMOUS EX-BUSINESS PARTNER
"Ever wonder how she got that airship'a'hers? All the paperwork is legal, but it doesn't add up. I just do what I'm paid for...but it just doesn't add up." - AIRSHIP LANDING AUTHORITY, UL'DAH
"One time? She got drunk here in Black Brush. Started playing something - I think it's called a mandarin? Mandiolin? Mandolin! That's right, a mandolin! She wasn't half bad either! Don't know why she acted so weird when we asked her to keep going. Even offered to pay!" - PATRON, BLACK BRUSH
"Somethin' off about that ship. Somethin' not right." - CITIZEN, LIMSA LOMINSA
rarely overheard, only in the right circles.
"Wasn't always on the air. Can't go back to sea, s'what I heard. Blood all over those pretty lil' hands'a'hers. Can't go back to sea, 'cos of what she done. She's a devil, that one." - PIRATE, RUBY SEA
"She used to dance and sing. I watched her. I know it was her. She was amazing too. All eyes on her. She knew how to keep an audience. You sure she's a captain? Why would a dancer be a captain? Better yet, how?" - WEALTHY CITIZEN, GRIDANIA
"She's fuckin' her whole crew. The whole lot of 'em. She's a succubus, ain't no miqo'te." - SUPERSTITIOUS SAILOR, LIMSA LOMINSA
"She's harboring Garleans. I know it." - ANGRY RESIDENT, UL'DAH

a luxurious experience.
Members of high society might be hearing of how the Runner is an appropriate airship for those looking to travel in style. It is pleasant and comfortable with a view that can't be rivaled. And tickets are not nearly as expensive as the few other airships that provide such a service.
sign for this please.
Need something shipped? Don't want to pay the taxes that often come with traveling pirate-infested seas? By word of mouth (presumably started by Es'mena herself), it is passed to those needing to transport goods that the skies are the way to go. And wouldn't you know it? The Runner carries cargo beneath its passengers.

entertainment for travel.
Those looking to take their show on the road (so to speak) likely have heard that Es'mena offers free rooms and travel in exchange for performances and staffing in The Runner's entertainment room. With a stage and fully-stocked bar at hand, if a company would like to host an event among the clouds, they are welcome to speak to the Captain about it and strike that deal.
we don't talk about that.
If your character is a member of the criminal underground - specifically smuggling rings - they would more than likely be aware of Es'mena's presence as well. They would be aware that The Runner smuggles anything from everyday items to weaponry, safely tucked away beneath their unsuspecting passengers. After all, what high society citizen would put up with authorities putting their vacation on hold to do something silly like search the ship they're traveling on?

dead men tell no tales.
Some sailors and nearly all pirates at sea have heard the name Es'mena Nenda. The rumors, whispers, and tales that are told are bloody and gruesome at best. They range from terrifying to dismissive, but all have a similar theme: That Es'mena was taken in by a hyur pirate and raised as his own daughter. She was trained and brought up and given a life worth living. And she repaid him by staging a mutiny in the dead of night. She murdered the man that raised her and while she ultimately failed at the mutiny, it was not before she committed untold atrocities on a good number of those most loyal to the fallen captain. Ever since, she has not been able to return to the sea. There is a black spot on her name and blood on her hands.
mature content and themes
violence, sexuality, and drug/alcohol use
ask first.
long-term or permanent injury/disfigurement
long-term captivity or imprisonment
underage themes
permanent character death
about me
My name is Jessi and my pronouns are she/her. I've been roleplaying for a long ass time (20+ years), and I do it to have fun - usually after a long day of work. I have a full-time career and am finishing up my degree, so sometimes my time is limited, but I truly love meeting new people and starting up plots with them.
I am available for FFXIV photography and carrd commissions. Information can be found by clicking here: